This item is for Feral Texas Outdoors customers only. If you purchased your clip on from another retailer we will not sell you this product. We reserve these for our customers only. There are no returns on this adapters please know your size and measure outside diameter and convert to mm.
These Q-R adapters work only with the Rattler-C V2Rattler TC, Yoter-C, Hogster-C, and Mate. Confirm size and measure. No returns.
Use the optional Front Q-R Adapter to install the thermal unit onto day scope lenses. The adapter must fit with the day scope front lens diameter.
Adapter size is based off of the glass plus housing so please measure correctly, the complete diameter.
There are optional adapters for:
- 30mm
- 40mm
- 42mm
- 44mm
- 46mm
- 48mm
- 50mm
- 52mm
- 54mm
- 56mm
- 58mm
- 59mm
- 60mm
- 61mm
- 64mm
- 65mm
- 66mm
- 68mm
The Front Q-R Adapter is not recommended for installing on firearms with heavy dynamic recoil 0.308 Win or stronger.
The RattlerTC cannot be attached to scopes that include focus rings on the housing of the objective lens. Click here to add.